13, अर्थस्य निश्चयो

अर्थस्य निश्चयो दृष्टो विचारेण हितोक्तितः ।।

न स्नानेन न दानेन न प्राणायाम-शतेन वा ।।१३।।


अन्वय :

अर्थस्य निश्चयः दृष्टः विचारेण हितोक्तितः । न स्नानेन न दानेन न प्राणायाम-शतेन वा ।।

अर्थ :

सत्य का निश्चय तो हितकारी उक्ति के श्रवण, सत्य के सम्यक् अन्वेषण और उसके प्रत्यक्ष दर्शन से ही होता है, न कि स्नान, दान अथवा सैंकड़ों प्राणायाम आदि का अनुष्ठान किए जाने से।


The truth is revealed / realized only through the right kind of the enquiry into (the nature of) the truth, and the conviction arrived at, by following the instructions given by the  realized / wise, and not by performing the various sacred deeds like bathing, giving out donations etc. to the needy, or practicing a hundred breath-exercises.




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